Specialty Gas Packaging
Differences between Gas Innovations High Purity Hydrocarbon guaranteed cylinders and standard low pressure cylinders.
High Pressure Packaging
Low Pressure Packaging
Cryogenic Liquids Packaging
Contact Gas Innovations for the Container that will Meet Your Requirements
Click here to view complete specs on tube trailers, LP transport & ISO containers available
Short and long term lease or purchase options available.
High Purity Cryogenic Transport (MC338)
- Cryogenic Ethane, Methane & Ethylene

LP Transport
- Low Pressure Hydrocarbons
- Propane, Isobutane, Propylene & Butane

High Pressure Tube Trailers
- High pressure gas tube trailers
- Portable aluminum fiber wrapped high pressure tubes

International Shipping Containers
- Cryogenic (bulk)
- LPG (bulk)
- High pressure tubes (liquid compressed gases)

ISO Containers
- Cryogenic

LPG Rail Car 120,000 lbs. to 130,000 lbs.

Low Pressure Vertical Bulk Tanks
- 1190, 1990, and 3990 vertical gallon tanks
- 1,000 horizontal gallon tanks

Low Pressure Specialty Gas Cylinders 240 and 260 DOT Rated
Click here to view spec gas cylinder packaging.
- LP‐20, LP‐27, LP-63, LP‐100, LP-105, LP‐420, and LP‐435

Low Pressure Specialty Gas Cylinders 240 and 260 DOT Rated
- Refrigerant Gases and Packaging
- DOT. 4BA240 cylinders
- CGA 510 Valve with Liquid Withdrawal Tube
- Butane, Propane, Isobutane & Mixed Refrigerants
- Non Odorized

High Pressure Carbon Steel and Aluminum Cylinders
- Carbon steel size: 49/300 and 200/44
- Aluminum: 300A, 150A, and 80A

Export Cylinder Packaging
- 20 ft. Standard Cargo Shipping Container
- High and low pressure cylinders